Yes Yet Another Newbie


New Member
Oct 31, 2008
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Hi folks
I have just joined this forum i wish i had done so years ago i do have an aquarium setup just a small 70l system but i have now decided to move up a level to a larger tank and was thinking of around a 180l setup and was thinking along keeping rams so all advice would be very welcome.I would think initially that it would just be an internal filter but may go for an external eventually.
Thanks in advance
welcome, get an external asap, you wont regret it, im sure other members wil agree.
welcome to the forum =D
i agree with nick
a 180l tank im thinking would be a Juwel rio 180 for you right?
nice neat tanks not too large not too small, perfect in most respects, especialy for rams.

the internal filter you will receive with the tank is very weak and in my experience with juwel wont last you too long,
but dont worry because you can use this internal filter until it starts to weaken and then buy an external.
tetratec are a german company that sell in the UK and their filters are powerful and most of all reletively cheap in comparison to fluval or eheim,
the one problem i had with tetratec was when it broke it took them 6months to replace the part...

anyway enough on filters, rams would be a brilliant fish for the juwel 180, will you be keeping it with other peaceful cichlids such as keyholes and rainbow cichlids, appisto's etc or with the tetras, barbs, swordtails etc with that tank you have several options most of which allow you to have the tank planted

what is your idea for this tank then?
Thanks for the replies.
You are spot on with the tank :good:
I hope to have a nicely planted tank with some rocks and several hiding places with a sand substrata as for fish hopefully some other chiclids and some tertras.It will probably be a few months before it is all done as my local shop tends to keep a lot of the basics but will order anything i need as i cant just nip down to another shop as i live on an island :)

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