

Fish Herder
Feb 28, 2009
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
Basically, as title :) Planning larger tank for tetras, sparkling gouramis etc. and these places have pretty good prices on stuff. Didn't know if anyone's used them before? They seem to me to be the same company under 2 different websites - very similar website layout, same fish pictures etc. Only thing I can fault them on at a first glance is that postage is more expensive than other online fish companies at £20, but the fish in general are a fair bit cheaper.
No idea on these guys I'm afraid.

If you don't get any further testimonials about them then I'd recommend using Wildwoods, Trimar, Sweet Knowles or Kesgrave, these all have a pretty good reputation (although I should point out I've only ever actually used the mail order service from Wildwoods). Better in the long run to pay a little extra for decent quality fish and service, I always think.
Yep. Don't fancy the idea of opening mail order boxes to dead/diseased/weak fish. :crazy:

Thanks for those anyways - I'll have a nosey at those just now :p
I'd be wary of any website called "cheap fish". We're talking about living things, not quality seconds kitchen equipment.
They're not that much cheaper than my LFS from what I can see.

I'm more worried that they're selling dyed parrots, channel and redtail cats, giant gouramis and the like, which I don't like to see, personally.

Some of the Latin names they've given are wrong as well.
Lucky you! I have a choice of 2 LFSs - one is a small shop that the most interesting fish you're going to see is a lyretail molly and the other is pets at home :crazy:

I'm just tempted to try them for things like ottos which are about £4 each at my LFS, and cardinals which I can't seem to get my hands on for less than £3 a fish :shout:

If not I might have to just phone round places in the likes of Paisley Road West and see if they either have what I'm looking for or can order it in.

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