Would This Be Okay For My Cycled 10 Gallon Tank


New Member
Apr 24, 2012
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3 Fancy Guppies
1 Gourami (don't know which one, suggestions would be nice :good:)
2 Cory Catfish
and a couple ghost shrimp
Corydoras like to be in a group (generally said a minimum of 5) so they would'nt be suitable for your tank, other than that, the stocking would be fine. How about a few sparkling/pygmy gouramis, as they are small and would fit in your tank.
Not perfect though....

A few tweaks

3 Pygmy Gourami
4 Endlers Live Bearers - Smaller than Guppies
6 Pygmy Cories - All Cories need to be in schools tank size limits a bit here but will work, could possibly go for Pandas but avoid larger ones like Peppered, Bronze/ Albino and def avoid Emerald.
+ Ghost Shrimp or Cherry Shrimp, I think Cherries are a little smaller.

Corydoras like to be in a group (generally said a minimum of 5) so they would'nt be suitable for your tank, other than that, the stocking would be fine. How about a few sparkling/pygmy gouramis, as they are small and would fit in your tank.

Thanks, would the ghost shrimp be just ok for the bottom feeders?

Not perfect though....

A few tweaks

3 Pygmy Gourami
4 Endlers Live Bearers - Smaller than Guppies
6 Pygmy Cories - All Cories need to be in schools tank size limits a bit here but will work, could possibly go for Pandas but avoid larger ones like Peppered, Bronze/ Albino and def avoid Emerald.
+ Ghost Shrimp or Cherry Shrimp, I think Cherries are a little smaller.


I already have the guppies, would I have to donate them or what
Sounds fine apart from the corys... if you want a bottom feeder there are a couple of plecos that stay small, there's a stickied thread on it somewhere I think... I think a pitbull pleco would stay small enough, I guess it depends how long your tank is though.

I'd go for a honey gourami, as they stay small and they are also less aggressive than many of the others.

I'd go for all female guppies, as in my experience 2 females to 1 male isnt enough to stop bullying. You might get away with all males, but its quite a low number so be prepared to separate if there is bullying.
Sounds fine apart from the corys... if you want a bottom feeder there are a couple of plecos that stay small, there's a stickied thread on it somewhere I think... I think a pitbull pleco would stay small enough, I guess it depends how long your tank is though.

I'd go for a honey gourami, as they stay small and they are also less aggressive than many of the others.

I'd go for all female guppies, as in my experience 2 females to 1 male isnt enough to stop bullying. You might get away with all males, but its quite a low number so be prepared to separate if there is bullying.

I have all 3 male guppies, they seem to be getting along.
Shrimp are fine for bottom feeders :) and your best choice, as they eat any leftover food and most algae, but have such a teeny tiny bioload.

If you already have the guppies keep them, but I'd keep your tank understocked so you have the option of adding more guppies to dilute bullying if need be. Good that they are getting along :)
Sounds fine apart from the corys... if you want a bottom feeder there are a couple of plecos that stay small, there's a stickied thread on it somewhere I think... I think a pitbull pleco would stay small enough, I guess it depends how long your tank is though.

I'd go for a honey gourami, as they stay small and they are also less aggressive than many of the others.

I'd go for all female guppies, as in my experience 2 females to 1 male isnt enough to stop bullying. You might get away with all males, but its quite a low number so be prepared to separate if there is bullying.

Could I maybe have 2 dwarf gourami
Sounds fine apart from the corys... if you want a bottom feeder there are a couple of plecos that stay small, there's a stickied thread on it somewhere I think... I think a pitbull pleco would stay small enough, I guess it depends how long your tank is though.

I'd go for a honey gourami, as they stay small and they are also less aggressive than many of the others.

I'd go for all female guppies, as in my experience 2 females to 1 male isnt enough to stop bullying. You might get away with all males, but its quite a low number so be prepared to separate if there is bullying.

Could I maybe have 2 dwarf gourami

I wouldnt, dwarves get quite big (weirdly for their name) and I've also found them to be fairly aggressive and like their space away from other fish. If you want to keep them in groups they need to be 1 male to 2 females really, and when fully grown I think even a single gourami would be pushing it in a 10 gallon.
Sounds fine apart from the corys... if you want a bottom feeder there are a couple of plecos that stay small, there's a stickied thread on it somewhere I think... I think a pitbull pleco would stay small enough, I guess it depends how long your tank is though.

I'd go for a honey gourami, as they stay small and they are also less aggressive than many of the others.

I'd go for all female guppies, as in my experience 2 females to 1 male isnt enough to stop bullying. You might get away with all males, but its quite a low number so be prepared to separate if there is bullying.

Could I maybe have 2 dwarf gourami

I wouldnt, dwarves get quite big (weirdly for their name) and I've also found them to be fairly aggressive and like their space away from other fish. If you want to keep them in groups they need to be 1 male to 2 females really, and when fully grown I think even a single gourami would be pushing it in a 10 gallon.

Thanks for your help, I'll be getting a single honey gourami, I also have the guppies, so I would also need the ghost shrimp
How about a nice sparkling gourami? They stay fairly small but are real beauties in a small tank.
Make that either 3 male guppies or 1 male and 2 females.
Cories are OK in very small numbers but they are far more entertaining in larger groups. I like groups of 10 or more but you have no room for that many. What about 6 to 8 of the "pygmy cories" like pygmaeus, habrosus or hastatus? They are all delightful little guys full of personality.
My own hastatus

A pygmaeus following a pygmy livebearer

A habrosus

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