Would This Be Okay For My 10 Gallon Tank?


New Member
Apr 24, 2012
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After my tank is cycled, would this be ok,

7 Gupppies
5 Pygmy Corys
and a couple of ghost shrimp

If you think it's to mush, or if I should change something, please let me know, thanks! :lol:
If you use your suggested stocking, it will not take long to have an overcrowded tank. It would start out fully stocked and the first guppy drop would put you over the top. Pygmy cories are delightful and I keep them in groups of 8 to 12 to get a good interactions from them. At only 5 of them, they will hide more than mine do. They only grow to about 1.25 inches, around 3 cm, and are a riot to watch. They swim in the middle of the tank a lot more than we typically expect of cories.
I would cut the guppies back to a single pair or a trio. That way you will have a bit of room to accommodate a drop of fry for a few weeks until you can move them out.

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