Would an oscar kill a ghost knife fish?


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
I was thinking about buying an albino oscar (2.5 inches) and a black ghost knife (about 3-4 inches) and putting them in my 120 gallon after it has cycled for awhile. Do you think once my oscar gets larger it will attack the black ghost knife and kill it?
i doubt that it would hurt it because i think knifes are like nocturnal, and it would stay outta the oscars way
Okay...I just really want an albino oscar but there are so many more peaceful fish I would like to have as well. I don't know whether to forget about the oscar and get the more peaceful fish or risk it with an oscar and see who gets along and who doesn't. :dunno:
I say go for the oscar. You can have some really cool stuff in a 55 with an oscar. If it was me i would have an Oscar, BGK, texas ( texas dragon if u can find one), and a group of 3 Ornate Pictus's
You can have some really cool stuff in a 55 with an oscar.

A solo oscar deserves a larger tank than a 55. An oscar and other fish in a 55 is just wrong, imo.

Raechal, what other peaceful fish would you like to have. Oscars can go with more peaceful fish just nothing that the oscar would eventually be able to eat. Oscars themselves are usually not overly aggressive and should be fine with larger, peaceful fish. :)
Fishy411 said:
I say go for the oscar. You can have some really cool stuff in a 55 with an oscar. If it was me i would have an Oscar, BGK, texas ( texas dragon if u can find one), and a group of 3 Ornate Pictus's
ur crazy :lol:

no way...
Jason_S said:
You can have some really cool stuff in a 55 with an oscar.

A solo oscar deserves a larger tank than a 55. An oscar and other fish in a 55 is just wrong, imo.

Raechal, what other peaceful fish would you like to have. Oscars can go with more peaceful fish just nothing that the oscar would eventually be able to eat. Oscars themselves are usually not overly aggressive and should be fine with larger, peaceful fish. :)
Well I would like a texas cichlid but would the oscar and that fight? I was also thinking about a gold severum. :nod: I also would want a few catfish. I did want clown loaches but I can't find any that are fairly big that would be able to keep up with the oscar's growth rate. :no:
You can't keep an oscar in a 55 gallon, its only a foot wide and its a 14" long fish.

A texas would only fight with the oscar as there isn't enought territory for either of them, let alone both. Oscars and sevrums will fight too, One of my teachers had one of each in a tank but they kept fighting, and it was a 100 gallon tank too.
Well, you can keep an Oscar in a 55, and it will be just fine for a while, but sooner or later it should be moved into a wider tank. She's got a 120 gallon according to her post, so...
A couple of things about that knifefish plan...

First of all, the knife will never come out if you have an Oscar in there... it's way too boisterous. If it doesn't attack the knife, it will at least frighten it.

Second of all, black ghost knives are slow-growers. If you start with a small Oscar and a small BGK, you might end up with a problem by the time the oscar's full grown.

I'd reccomend a BGK for a tank of at least 75 US gallons, planted (so fish that tear up plants are a bad idea), and with peaceful fish of at least 4 inches.

Hope that helps!
Okie dokie...I don't know whether to go with the BGK/clown loach plan or the oscar plan. :crazy: I guess I still have time to think about it, I still have to cycle my tank and get filters for it. :rolleyes:
Omg i am really sorry. The tank the oscar is going in is a 120 right? Thats what i meant and I hate it when people criticize u when u make a mistake

I say go for the oscar plan. I think a Oscar and texas dragon would be cool
Try the Oscar, very charming fish that you'll get addicted to.
Go for the clown loach! I believe convicts can hold their own, atleast a male, against an oscar.

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