Woohoo Got My Fish! Khuli's And All!

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FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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I'm in Planted School.
Jan 6, 2012
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Today was the best day ever!!! They only had about half of the stock I ordered. I have to go back in the next 2 weeks for the rest!
Here's some pics of my new babies!!! Don't mind if any are pale, first day and all.

Bristlenoses! Oh please let one be a female...I know for sure the darker one is male. Suggestions on sexing?



My lovely Apistos. I'll take pics tomorrow...They were soooo pale and are already showing nice coloring.


Angels from afar. It's hard to zoom steady with a smartphone. {Better pics this week}

I SAVED THE BEST FOR LAST!!!!! Khuli's!!!! My favorite fish officially. Again all from afar. So disappointing, anytime I went near them at the glass the took off like bullets. They will get used to me though. :p




Sigh! What joy. I wish I had better close ups, but no sense in pestering them to death on the first day. I couldn't even get a solid shot of the rasboros. They are schooling nicely...and too fast for my phone. I'll break out the camera tomorrow! Thanks for letting me share!
Great stock so far, and that camera doesn't take bad pics at all. :good:
:D It better. Smartphones cost almost as much as computers lately. They had ZERO Gouramis. I wanted my Opalines today.

Oh and we wanted lemon tetras, but we think we are going to trade our von rio's for them in the 46g. Von rio's aren't growing on me
:D It better. Smartphones cost almost as much as computers lately. They had ZERO Gouramis. I wanted my Opalines today.

Oh and we wanted lemon tetras, but we think we are going to trade our von rio's for them in the 46g. Von rio's aren't growing on me
I like both types of Tetras myself, for different reasons. My 36 has a blue background, black sand/gravel mix & all the greens of the plants so I wanted the Cherry Barbs & Von Rios to add a touch of red to contrast.

The Lemons def. school the best & I only have 5 of them. They're supposed to be kept in schools of at least 8, unlike most schooling fish that are fine with 6 or more. Not sure why. I had 6 originally but 1 died & I figured they can school with the Von Rios so I just let it be at least for now.
Maybe thats my problem..my 46g with the von Rios has alot of red..they just aren't standing out...the good thong is that my lfs will trade them, so they still get a good home somewhere. I'm having problems iny other tank...so they stay until I am sure they are well. I'm sure my guilt will take over, and ill have to keep them. :)

Lol good thong opps dumb phone auto correct
Well. Dang. That's what I thought. I love plecos and khulis! But I really want a male/female pair of bristlenoses.
Nice fish :good: love how you have more pics of the Kuhlis than anything else! I could literally sqit and watch mine all day :wub:
Well. Dang. That's what I thought. I love plecos and khulis! But I really want a male/female pair of bristlenoses.

Keep a close eye on those BN's, if they're both males you could have trouble.

LOL, good thong.........

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