Will This Work

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Fish Addict
Sep 15, 2011
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7X2X2 793 litres ( think)

1 2.5 inch green texas
1 six inch severum red spotted
2 belem severums about 3 inches each
4 1.5 in juvi rotkeil severums ( trying to get a pair then rehome 2)
4 keyhole cichlids
4 bandit cichids (not got)

maybe a couple of l200s added to it . ive got 2 firemouths but im thinking of getting rid as they are little terrors.

and ive seen a 2 inch EBJD that i would love to have but im not sure if it would work with the texas and i maybe want a nicaraguan . any help appreciated.
i would steer clear of the EBJD - they are quite fragile, especially when juvi's.

I like the idea of a mixed Sev tank though, Just dont expect to see any living plants!

Also, i think your tank is less than the litres you think...
Based on rouch maths of 1" = 2.54cm, its 792L - but thats not taking the glass thickness into account, and assuming you will fill it to the brim!
My bet would be 730 - 750 L
the tank is hopefully being ordered in a few weeks. ive had a set back with vets fees as the cat got run over last week, hes getting better but hes cost abit. ibe ordered my light units yesterday. i was going to go for the 8x2x2 but i saw a six footer in the shop and that looked big so lord knows how an 8 footer would look. we have settled for 7 foot. my dream is big hulking new world cichlids with rocks and wood.

i know what you mean about live plants as my red spotted severum drags them out every day lol

i used the calculator and its 793 litres lol i put in 86 inches instead of 84
Alright, my maths says 750 filled.
Anyway - it doesnt really matter. If your baseing anything off literage, then you need to subtract the vol of substrate / decorations and add the vol of filter (assuming external)

Are you gunna have any catfish in this tank?

Edit- seen you have said L200s

By the way - What are Bellems? i did a quick google image, but just say pics of Rotties

Edit again - full of typos
i held off buying the ebjd the other day because i was worried for its fragility. they are an expensive fish to have die on you.


my belem at the front and rottie behind


and one with my texas who has grown abit more

and an adult
Belem's are a wild variety of severum from Belem in south America. I believe that they are often bred with other severums to produce different breeds such as the green. I have an f1 in my tank, possibly the same parents as the ones above bit from an earlier batch. Oh and that would be a great sized tank.
thanks. i was hoping to get it ordered last week. hopefully the next 2 weeks which is good as it was going to be later in the year.
Where are you getting it from? The only thing which might cause an issue is the Texas when it grows. I would also recommend looking at Pictus cats (or maybe something similar but larger seeing as you have the space). I have those with my Severum & Co and they get on very well.
AC Aquatics, got my light units bough yesterday and im getting the t5 tubes next week from iquatics . im not really a fan of catfish (except cories of course)

its £822 with cabinet and hood then £55 for delivery

oh and i checked with pier and they are local bred F1 belem severums. mine and yours could well be siblings assuming the breeder had 1 wild pair and not more
I'd be worried about putting a texas cichlid with keyholes, keyholes tend to be really timid and shy, and do best with dither fish and other peaceful fishes. I don't think you'd ever see them due to the lack of dithers and the fish that can be notably aggressive toward them.
they are in together at them moment so i will watch that closely. my texas hates my firemouths so he only wants to wind them up right now
they are in together at them moment so i will watch that closely. my texas hates my firemouths so he only wants to wind them up right now
They're all juvies though. Soon enough, those keyholes are going to be like half the size of every other fish in the tank, or less than. I've found juvies to be much less aggressive than adult fishes, too. Mix that with the fact that keyhole cichlids are very peaceful and do well with in community tanks with small fishes like rummy nose tetras and zebra danios, they won't have a fighting chance if any of your fish get sick of them.

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