Who's Better At Hiding,oto's Or Amano's?


Dec 27, 2010
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Gloucestershire, UK
I've got both in my planted tank, not that you'd ever know it.
Think i saw an Oto, couple of days ago.Been probably a week since the last Amano sighting
My amano have set up camp in a piece of wood with several holes in it. They very rarely venture out - the furthest I have seen in six months is around 2 inches away on the substrate.
Think mine must be male.They don't seem to clean anything
you've only got the one?

get some more in there - they'll probably be a bit more adventurous.
I have 5 Oto's & see them all the time
They have plenty of hiding places, but don't use them, they're usually on the wood or plants at the front of the tank
I know that feeling. I've got 5 and would like a bigger colony......but at around £3-£5 each around here, I don't fancy it much.
Think mine must be male.They don't seem to clean anything

love it :D
i have 6 they all hide in the wood as its got lots of hidy holes, they do all come out and have cleaning missions every now and then
I have three amanos and they're the most boisterous things in the tank, steal food from the mouths of rams. Never hiding, always out and about. Same with the otos, 4 of those and can always see at least two. Plenty of hiding places but they obviously don't feel the need to.
I have three amanos and they're the most boisterous things in the tank, steal food from the mouths of rams. Never hiding, always out and about. Same with the otos, 4 of those and can always see at least two. Plenty of hiding places but they obviously don't feel the need to.

+1, yours might be young Stu? They'll soon learn to fight for some food
You said stus might be young, so I was saying my boisterous ones are at least 5 years old.

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