Do you have a tank that constantly surprises you???

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
mine is my May TOM tank... there are tiny Rhino Oto's in there, I see one every 3-4 months... at today's feeding I saw an Apisto... I originally ended up with 3 females, but the last 4-6 months, I've only seen one, fearing the worst... at today's feeding, I saw 2 of them... there are just so many hiding places in that tank, that even though I've gone looking, and come up empty, they show up one day, looking no worse for wear
Mine is the one filled with green hair algae. It takes so much place everything is hidden.

But lately, I found out that it is filled with tunnels and the inhabitants can move around using the subway.

And the general health is amazing for what I'm able to catch.
I'm always surprised to find a new tiny sewellia loach fry or 2. By the time I see them they're likely many months old. They are the slowest growing fry I've ever kept.

LOL, hair algae always surprises me in a less pleasant way. I do a pretty thorough removal & wham! it's back in seemingly no time! 2 of my tanks get a bit of sunlight from high windows depending on seasons.
My dwarf crayfish often disappears for weeks on end.

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