Fish Crazy
When I went to feed my ADFs/ghost shrimp last night, I saw this small white thing wriggling in the water. It was NOT at the surface but midway down the 5 gal tank. It was about half an inch long (1 1/2ish cm) and thinner than a strand of Java moss. It was positioned vertically (the longest part was top to bottom - not side to side). It was wiggling vigorously so it was easy to tell it was moving itself and not something floating in the filter current. I tried to take a pic but my phone camera wasn't able to focus on it
What could it be?
The tank has ADFs and Ghost shrimp. When I added more java mods a few weeks ago, there were a few white squishy balls in it that I noticed when I was rinsing it to go in the tank. I asked the pet shop about those and they said they were probably killifish eggs or snail eggs and either way the ADFs would eat them if I missed a few.
The white wriggly thing was the same thickness all-over so I don't think it was a killifish fry.
What could it be?
The tank has ADFs and Ghost shrimp. When I added more java mods a few weeks ago, there were a few white squishy balls in it that I noticed when I was rinsing it to go in the tank. I asked the pet shop about those and they said they were probably killifish eggs or snail eggs and either way the ADFs would eat them if I missed a few.
The white wriggly thing was the same thickness all-over so I don't think it was a killifish fry.