White spot on platy?


New Member
Sep 1, 2021
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Hi! I have noticed that one of my platies has a white spot on her nose, she didn't have it before. Should I be worried? A real beginner! Thank you


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Could possibly be a fungus. I'd go to google images and put in "white spot on Platies nose" to see if it commonly occurs. Possibly a scratch though. If after researching you think it may be a fungus, Aquarium Coop has a very helpful article on how to treat infections. Go to their website and search for "fungus infection". Good luck and good health!
Thanks, I spoke to my local fish shop and they thought fungus too, I treated the aquarium and the spot is gone! Thank you
Thanks, I spoke to my local fish shop and they thought fungus too, I treated the aquarium and the spot is gone! Thank you
Good news. What did you end up treating it with? Just curious as I'm learning about meds etc. I had a fish with a strange white spot too, however he had stopped eating several days before it appeared. A couple days ago I started a treatment of a mild concentration of aquarium salt per a professionals advice. I thought he was on the mend, but I think he's not going to make it. He was such a little cutie. The runt of the group. I'm very sad.

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