Which Tank?

Should I get the Aqua One AR850 155 Litre aquarium or the Blue Planet Vista HPLED 167 Litre aquarium

  • Aqua One AR850 155 Litre

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • Blue Planet Vista HPLED 167 Litre

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Jan 6, 2013
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Hi all,
As some of you know I've been waiting on a fish tank that is on order but because it has taken so long my LFS are offering me a tank at the same price as the one on order (it is usually dearer than the tank on order)
Okay so my tank on order is a Blue Planet Vista HPLED 167 Litre tank:
And the tank that is getting offered to me is the Aqua One AR850 155 Litre tank:
I'd really like your advice on which one I should get.
The Aqua One (2x25w, 1x20w) has better lighting than the Blue Planet (12 watt high powered LED) but the Aqua One is a smaller tank (155 Litre) than the Blue Planet (167 Litre).
So those are my options so any help towards which I should get would be muchly appreciated!
So the tank they are offering you would be a replacement tank? What were you planning on putting in the one you've ordered?
Like stock wise?
If you mean stocking then here it is:
8 Neon/Cardinal Tetras
8 Pristella Tetra
1 Dwarf Gourami
1 Bristlenose Pleco/Catfish
For plants:
Some Java Fern
Some different types of Anubias
A Amazon Sword
I'm still sorting out what other plants I would like! :)
Are you getting the cabinets too? If so I would personally go for the Aqua One because it has doors on the cabinet to hide things away as well as higher wattage bulbs but that part depends on what is going inside.
I voted AquaOne, purely on the basis of lighting and spare parts if something should go wrong. AquaOne are everywhere whereas Blue Plant is few and far between.
Thomtom I am getting the cabinets and the Blue Planet tank has a similar cabinet as the Aqua One as you can select which one you want :)
Thank you for your help so far I'm still deciding and doing research on both tanks lol! :)

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