Where to buy non-lead plant weights?


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Dec 18, 2011
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Where the deer and the antelope play
Looking for some metal strip weights, as I want to try using them on driftwood (drilling a hole, filling it with weights). All the ones on Amazon are either indeterminate "metal" (color: silver! Thanks, Amazon sellers) or lead. Buceplant is currently sold out of their magnesium/zinc strips. Anybody know who has them for sale?

I've found a few sellers that sell magnesium or zinc sheeting for electroplating and such. It wouldn't be any big trick to cut these into strips and use them, and they're fairly cheap. But they aren't specifically made for aquariums, and my chemistry knowledge has corroded over the years to where I'm unsure if something like that would be aquarium safe. Any info?
Well, I do know the answer to that, but I can't really afford to weigh down my driftwood with silver, gold, or platinum. Palladium is fairly pricey, too...
I think you can make a little thing with clean rocks and it will work fine for waterlogging the driftwood, if that is your goal.
you can just strap the rocks onto the driftwood and take them off when it's sunken
I think you can make a little thing with clean rocks and it will work fine for waterlogging the driftwood, if that is your goal.
you can just strap the rocks onto the driftwood and take them off when it's sunken
I have boiled small sized driftwood in water for a few minutes. It then sinks in the tank much faster.
Well, I do know the answer to that, but I can't really afford to weigh down my driftwood with silver, gold, or platinum. Palladium is fairly pricey, too...
come on, man! your fish deserve the best!! Get that gold and put it on the wood like a grill- a big smile.
Heck, maybe I'll just drill a hole and insert a big, stainless steel lag screw... 🤔
Not an unreasonable idea. Just use the decent grade like 304. You can probably buy rod as well and just cut into chunks. Personally though, I would just find some rocks to jam in the hole or pour in gravel and silicone plug.
Honestly I think the lead thing is worried about too much in aquariums, if you are doing “normal” water changes, your fish will never know….

Wheel weights could be your friend, they switched from lead years ago the stick on variety, doesn’t have any steel in them, like the clip on type
i go to lowes or Home Depot and buy pluming solder no lead and doesn't corrode But for drift wood you would likely need a lot. A piece of Sstainless steel or just regular steel would also work Regular steel corrodes but doesnt dissolve in the water (unless it is very acidic water. Stainless steel doesn't corrode or dissolve in water.
you know, I don't think they make fishing weights out of lead anymore. Years ago they were a lot easier to clamp down with my teeth- the ones they make now don't have the same give to them. Pretty sure it's something else.
Years ago when I weighed down a very large pc of drifwood, I used a large flat marble piece from a pen and pencil desk set. I screwed the marble into the base of the driftwood and sunk the marble below the substrate. Sill in the tank today.

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