What's The Smallest Fish You Ever Owned?

My "Bonsai" guppies is now reaching maturity, and they are still so minute, that I believe they would rank amoungst the smalles "adult" fish ever kept..........

What happened, is that I removed all fish from a stand with 6 tanks in it and did not realize that there were a number of fry in the tanks when I switched off the lights, aeration, heaters and everything, and six months down the line, I decided to revisit these tanks & found the fry in there.... They were stunted, but not deformed..... I've since started to feed them and keep them like normal fish.... The miniture males all have their gonopodiums and are growing their normal tails and the little females are all pregnant and ready to deliver their 3 to 7 babies..... Will have photos shortly....
My tank is quite over crowded atm as im waiting on my 240ltr coming. Anyway i bought 3 guppys about 4 months ago 1 was already fully grown and the other 2 were fry. 1 of them is now about 10mm in length and the othe is only just over 5mm.

Im no guppy expert but i thought the grew faster than this, after 4 months they still only this size. One of them has already become a dad, and at such a young ag too lol.

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