What Type Of Pleco Is This?


New Member
May 31, 2014
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i just got a new fish for my tank and for my batta he just seems so bored but now all he does is gets really curios of his new tank mate he dosent attack him ive watched him sometimes 
gandolf(the betta) will swim to where sir (the pleco) is hiding and investigate 

but my real question is is this fish a schooling fish? if so how many should i have? i currently have a 10 gallon tank. also is he just being shy and that's why hes hiding ?
Can you get a pic of the other side of it? 10g is going to be too small for any pleco or algae eater except for otocinclus so I would upgrade or return it, sorry if that seems negative.
to TFF btw! Would love to see a pic of your betta and a FTS!
Looks like a rubber lip pleco to me, can you get an iimage of its top? When i had one it was very reclusive, but yes you will need i believe a 15 gallon min. for him.
I agree it looks like a rubber lip, but an additional perspective would help us properly identify him. I think these guys do best for twenty gallons, but with a tight water change schedule (they are poop machines!) you could keep one in a fifteen.

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