What to keep in a 1.5 gallon tank


New Member
Jun 28, 2002
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I have a 1.5 gallon tank I was using to house fish in transport but now I want o keep something cool in it full time. It has no filter, no light, no airstone, nada. Just some gravel and small plastic plants. What can I keep in it on a full time basis? I think I could keep bettas but how many in that size tank (I know 1 male only!)
I wouldn't like to keep any fish in it will no water circultaion what so ever. But your on the right lines of bettas. Labyrinth fish would be cool in that size of tank. Just check there fully grown size.
You even get these small goldfish bowl ugf filers that would be fine for your small tank.
The safest bet would be getting a male betta for it.( although I'd recommend a min of a 2 gallone tank). It just means you need to be more rigerous about the water changing. As it woesn't have a filter you don't need to worry so much about the water cycle. just do a full water change every few days. and turn the heating up in the winter.

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