What Root Tabs To Go With?


Fish Herder
Oct 13, 2012
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Hello everyone :)  I have a 60 gallon tank that I would consider med-heavy planted. I currently dose 2 ml of liquid seachem flourish everday. No co2.  I have 2x 32watt T8's. I like the liquid ferts and know they're making a difference. All of my plants are taking off really well, except for my hydro "japan".  I was thinking that using root tabs would help, and was hoping someone would point me in the right direction. I've been looking up a couple brands and they seem really expensive! Also, I wasn't too sure how mixing liquid and root tabs would go...    any help is appreciated :)
Plants are opportunistic feeders so where ever the ferts are is where they'll feed but Hydro being a stem will draw faster from the water column. Has it been in the tank long as mine took a little while to get going?
It's been in about a month and a half. I'll admit that Ive had to move it around a couple times, and my cories keep digging it up 
Any way you can establish it in another tank then move it?
One way to stop Cories uprooting delicate stem plants like Hydrocotyle is to have a few small stone chippings around the base.  Cories are unlikely to rummage in that, and it can look quite natural too :)
Ps3Steveo said:
Any way you can establish it in another tank then move it?
I've been thinking about setting up a QT tank, so if i go in that route, I can always move it over. 
When i add my ferts now, I tend to do my full dose (2ml) directly over the hydro, every other day. Not sure if this is technically different, but I think I am seeing a difference; the leaves are much more green and Im beginning to see some new growth again. I think I am going to wait until it's grown in more to trim it this time lol
Im still dealing with this diatom outbreak, and Im starting to get pretty frustrated. Everything is still slimy. I know it's not a big deal and won't hurt everything, but my plant leaves are so slimy that food and gross stuff is sticking them ALL instead of getting sucked into the intake. Is there anything i can do to help this process along? Am i dosing too much? Will having my lights on for too long encourage this??? 
Thanks for all the help.. again :rolleyes:

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