What Kind Of Angelfish And The Sex


Fish Fanatic
Feb 7, 2015
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I would love to know what kind of angelfish this is. And if it's a boy or a girl. I think he or she is a black veil angelfish. Thanks everyone!
Sorry that the picture isn't great. I have to shrink the size of my pictures because they're always too big!


  • 2015-02-11 09.34.22.jpg
    2015-02-11 09.34.22.jpg
    27.8 KB · Views: 190
marbled ... possibly some ghost mixed in. Looks male but I'm not an expert
I posted a link on your other thread regarding sexing
Is it possible on my other thread that my koi is a female and this is a male? Would they mate?? Or is it super rare. I was told it's super rare.
not rare at all. If you indeed have a male and female they could pair up and yes ... that means babies.... and everything that comes with cichlid breeding - ie: territorial aggression and bickering
do you know what to watch for for them pairing up? If you've got any questions I'll do my best to answer them. I've bred cichlids so I've got a good understanding
I know they will kind of fight each other. The marbled one will chase the koi. And I know they will lock lips and kind of dance and flick their fins in front of each other. I've seen them lock lips once. But mainly the marbled one chases the koi. Don't you think the koi is slightly too young. I thought they both were too young. Thanks for the advice.
they're both too young I'd say. I've had my angels since last summer and they're nearly fully grown. I've had 4 spawns and all were a failure. It takes them time to work out how it all works.
Currently it's my female that does the chasing and instigates the 'fight'. I used that word loosely because it's not a fight ... it's not a bicker .. it's just cichlids being cichlids. I know what you mean by the 'dance' ... that can be what it looks like. The waving fins is known as tail slapping. You'll see them knock their tails together from time to time. As for the lip lock... you'll see brief lip locking but once you see a prolonged lip lock that goes on and on you know they're seriously considering breeding.
The female will then drop a breeding tube - it'll look like a small bump - here's a picture of my female just before she laid eggs

The male doesn't show much - nothing really changes in my male but it might in yours.
Bear in mind aswell that if you've got two females they will still lay eggs and they will still guard them even though they're not fertile. The best thing to do in that case is to use something to wipe the eggs away. She'll bite and snap at what ever you use but she'll soon forget about them.
Hope that's useful info
Wow good to know. I really hope they're male and female. Maybe in 6 months to a year they'll be ready if they are. Thank you so much for the advice. I'm a very curious person when it comes to my fish so I will definitely be posting more! So look out for me!
will do :D and any further questions just let me know and if I don't know the answer I'll always say 'I don't know' :)

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