What I Learn From Algae


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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I have been keeping fish and aquariums for many years since 1998 in fac. For the past 7 years I have had 2 or more tanks going with live plants durine that time. I have had just about every type of algae you can get. Most of them I have been able to controle.

What I have learned is don't try to kill it find the cause and fix it.Algae takes because conditions are in its favor. So be very aware of any changes you make to the tank. Even changing the light bulb can throw off the balance and cause algae to grow.

Finding balance in you tank will fix all your problems. But getting a well balanced tank is no easy it takes time and lots of tinkering.

My advice is don't just try to kill the algae you have try and find d the reason for its growth. Then tweet things so that the plants out compete the algae.
Yes, I've been dealing with what appears to be blackbeard algae? Not entirely sure as of yet. But I had been dosing Excel with a pipette for three days so far on the algae that seems to be only growing on my large anubias plant.
Everyone's suggests leaving my lights off for a while, but I really don't want to go that route and hold back the photo period for the other plants growing in my tank, they don't appear to have the algae growing on them, just the anubias I mentioned.
I assume that my lights might be the cause of the algae, since they're on pretty much 24/7. It's a FFinnex: Planted Plus 24/7 LED strip, it runs on a day and night ccycle. I've never dealt with this algae since recently. It's possible my phosphates could be out of control, I have yet to invest in a phosphates testing solution.

I'll take your advice and try tinkering to try to find a balance. As for now, I've already began attempting to kill the algae however if it grows back again, I'll begin a new plan of finding the source.
Since I changed the substrate in one of my tanks I've been fighting BBA too - I previously won this battle in another tank of mine.  The plants aren't doing as well either.
I think I'm going to have to increase the number of plants in the tank.  I've also purchased a different find of liquid fertiliser to the one I was using as I wasn't entirely enamoured with it.  My Amanos have their work cut out.
Additionally I have ordered a Phosphate test kit (thank you Akasha for drawing my attention to this) and I have some Rowa Phosphaway that came my way a while back I may end up using if it turns out Phosphates are high.

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