What fish to put in first


New Member
Feb 10, 2002
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:dunno: Hi all, My tank has at last finished cycling and I now obviously want to start adding fish. What I would like to know is, is there any particular order in which to put the fish into the tank, I would probably like to start with 6 of one kind, apart from the Gouramis? My list of fish is as follows:-
Clown loaches
Corydoras/BNC ( possibly Swartzi, probably only one BNC )
Rainbows ( Red )
Gouramis ( a pair of either Lace/Pearl, Banded or Honey )
Danios ( Pearl )
Pristella Tetras
Rosy Barbs
Rams ( Ramirezi )
I obviously won't be putting all of the types of fish I have listed in.
My tank is a 190lt/40 imp.gal Juwel Trigon. Thanks in advance, S.
How big is your tank??
A good combo of fish for your tank would be 6 cories, 6 Tetras, 6 rainbows, 2 Rams, 3 Ottos, but your tank should be at least 50 gallons for that.

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