What fish to have with angelfish


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Sep 17, 2016
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Hello I'm wondering what fish I can have with angelfish
My water parameters is hard and ph around 6.5/7 included photo of my water
I was thinking about rams but I would like you lot opinion of what fishes to have with angelfish


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I was thinking about bottom feeders like corys but don't know if they will go with rams or angelfish , but am looking for something to stock up the middle/top of my tank. Something that is more on view and to show of,
I've thought about angel fish as something nice and big for the tank, If this was an option what would be a nice fish to put with them? or would they be best on their own with the bottom feeders?
Any recommendations for angel fish or any options to stock my tank would be much appreciated :)

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You may want to post the size of your tank and how you want it set up(live plants... fake plants.... things like that.) As for size please out the dimensions as well as the gallons/liters. Then people can give a more informed answer as to what can be kept in the tank you have. If you don't have one yet, then the size you are looking at getting. Hope this will help!
The tank is 390liters 50cm width 122length and 60 tall and right now I got live plants and tomrorow I will be getting more plants so I will have slightly planted tank
I don't mind big wood as I had it but it just tannis and it annoys me how water it's all dark and brown

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when you add driftwood to an aquarium, you need to boil it and cleans it thoroughly before adding it, this could take up to weeks... also what type of plants did you get?
and how many gallons is 390lt? also how many angels do you have already? (or will have) and are there any other fish besides them in the tank currently
when you add driftwood to an aquarium, you need to boil it you need to boil it and cleans it thoroughly before adding it,
You do not need to boil it, If the wood came from a pet store, I scrub it well with a hard brush and clean water and stick it in the tank.

Your Angels will actually love the tannins from the wood.

And what happens when you buy a bit of driftwood that has a plant attached to it?
Right now I have 0 fish as its my tank been running for a month. I was thinking about buying 6-8 angelfish as they can pair up if want or they can school together sometims which will look quite nice but want also something that will be seen like rams or other fishes like middle bit of the tank and top

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I'm also thinking about corys for bottom feeders any ideas if they're good and suitable for angelfish

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Cory's are good tank mates for angels as they're generally left to their own devices towards the bottom of the tank, as for Rams - Bolivian Rams (M.altispinosus) would be the best choice if you want Corydoras as most Corydoras species bar a few (C.sterbai to name one) won't tolerate the higher tank temperatures required to keep Blue Rams (M.ramirezi) healthy.

Most Tetras, Barbs and Rasboras provided they're not fin nippers and small enough to be eaten will make ideal tank mates and they'll school as well.
With a hardness of almost 20 German degrees, you are limited in the fish you can keep. I would suggest it is too hard for angelfish. If you are really set on angels, I would look in to using RO water mixed with your tap water to reduce the hardness. You would need to experiment mixing RO and tap water in a bucket using a GH tester to find the best ratio for angels, then use the same proportion at every water change.

Or keep fish that like hard water.
With a hardness of almost 20 German degrees, you are limited in the fish you can keep. I would suggest it is too hard for angelfish. If you are really set on angels, I would look in to using RO water mixed with your tap water to reduce the hardness. You would need to experiment mixing RO and tap water in a bucket using a GH tester to find the best ratio for angels, then use the same proportion at every water change.

Or keep fish that like hard water.

I've use to have angelfish for over 3 years at the same water and I didn't see anything that could effect them they were acting normal and one pair spawned

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But angelfish should live at least ten years...

I agree with essjay; you're going to have to either rethink your stocking, or change your water.
But angelfish should live at least ten years...

I agree with essjay; you're going to have to either rethink your stocking, or change your water.

I sold my angelfish as I was selling my tank for bigger one

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I have to disagree - most captive bred fish will readily take to standard tap water and still live to their life expectancy, every store local to me are now keeping their Discus in tap water, messing around with your water chemistry by means of using RO water and mineral supplements is more likely to lead to unstable water chemistry, which is never good for our fish. If in doubt - always ask your retailer what they're keeping the fish in first, for wild specimens I would agree that the OP's water chemistry would be unsuitable however.
every store local to me are now keeping their Discus in tap water,

Yes and the LFS only keep the fish temporarily in those water conditions until sold, Fish evolved to live in certain water conditions over tens of thousands of years, these things cant be reversed over a few generations of captive breeding.

For example.
Keeping Red Cherry shrimp in hard water is fine.............. Till they need to molt and cant then they die.

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