What Fish Should I Get?


Fish Crazy
Oct 13, 2013
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I just lost my survivor from when I lost my platys and swordtail. (it was an otto cat). I want to restock, but to help with my nerves (I still think about my poor dead fish when I look at the tank) I don't want anything that looks like my previous fish. I would prefer my tank to have a lot of different colors in it, but it is only a 10 gallon. I am thinking about a betta, but petco's stock isn't that great. Any ideas?
I think a betta would be great for a 10 gal. tank! 
You could also put a SINGLE young Oranda goldfish in as well, but would need to plan on up-grading as the fish got older. 
I have both a Petco and a Petsmart near me.  Petsmart had some awesome bettas last week! 
You can ask in the PetCo when they will get new stock in, too. 
You can get lots of different colours of platys and maybe corydors for the bottom dwellers
I don't want platys. It would remind me of my deceased Shaky, Mopey, and Zippy. :/
Is your water hard or soft?
I looked at some more bettas, and they are so pretty! 

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