What Fish Can Go In A 64 Litre Tank?


Fish Fanatic
May 30, 2013
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I only have 2 platys in my tank at the moment and I'm wondering what other fish I would be able to put in without them fighting or overstocking the tank. I have a 64 litre tank, which I know is quite small but would still like to add a few extra fish. Any help would be great! Thanks
I had 1 male and 2 female guppies and 2 platies in my 64L tank. I had the fluval U2 filter and was doing 50% water changes every week. 
Check out the nano fish thread. You'll get some good answers. You've mentioned in a similar post that you have one male and one female. You'll be quickly over run with fry. Don't get anything else unless you trade in the male for a female. Then you might be able to have some micro rasboras.
Would I not be able to get rid of the fry by giving them to a fish shop as feeder fish, or (I know it sounds awful but) leave the fry in the main tank and allow them to be eaten. Sorry, I'm new to fish keeping and dont know much about this kind of thing.
Not all the fry will get eaten though.  I bought 7 platies for my 64L tank, 2 males and 5 females.  I figured that would be understocked working on the inch per gallon rule, 7x 2 inches of fish versus 17 US gallons.  However 2 months later I have at least 15 fry in the tank and am really starting to look overstocked.  There are lots of hiding places in my tank though, but one fry even survived in my quarantine tank with almost no hiding places!
Thank you. Should I at least get another female so this one isnt being constantly pestered by the male?
What are the dimensions of your tank, OP? Is your water hard or soft and will be looking at the tank from close up or far away?

SarahMarie said:
Thank you. Should I at least get another female so this one isnt being constantly pestered by the male?
Is your tank cycled, SarahMarie?
I agree with daize. The 2 baby platies I found in my tank were unseen-even when I had all the wood out, all the plants out and was rescaping. They are the masters of disguise. 
The tank is About W60cm x D32cm x H37cm.
I'm not sure about the water but I know the ph is 7. And it's in the middle of cycling at the moment, the ammonia is almost 0. I'm doing large daily water changes
Another female........more fry. It would be better to return the male and get a female or return the female and get a male.
Definitely don't add any more fish while the tank is cycling, wait until both ammonia and nitrite are consistently zero.  After that I would consider getting another 1-2 platy females to distribute the male's attention, or swap your male for a female if you don't want fry.  Either way you will get fry in the short term as females generally arrive pregnant anyway!
Thank you. Your help has been great. I've grown attached to the two fish I have so I think I'll have to get another female. Really appreciated

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