What Do You Do With Your Fry?


May 19, 2013
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I may be getting some fish that will definitely be getting it on and producing some babies..
The question is.. What then? The fish are aggressive and cannot all live together.. what do you do with your fry?
The local pet shop takes our surplus Molly fry, we give them him for free and he sometimes gives me good deals on other fish
I had a goldfish tank with a couple guppies, I had them in there for the specific purpose of giving my goldies a treat, however, if you want to keep them, separate them into a different tank, or if you don't want to keep them and don't want them getting eaten, as laurac94 said, you may be able to sell them to a pet shop, however, some pet shops only stock through certain breeders.
Most fish stores that do take fish will either give you nothing, or a bit of store credit.  I don'tknow of any stores that take fry though, I mean, you never see a fish store tank filled with fry....it's because they're harder to take care of and most people aren't going to buy a bunch of fry from them...wait until they reach maturity or at least until they resemble their parents, then go to the lfs.  A lot of people hold the fantasy of shipping out and selling fish, but it's a lot easier said than done, and in the long run most people end up losing out instead of "making a quick buck."
Uhm my molly had babies a while back before she died. I was able to find 4 fry and I bought a fry net for them at the pet store. You put the net in the water and put the babies in there or you should have lots of hiding places for them. then you wont need a net.

2nd yami I've had a good amount of Mollie fry and i just used a fry net and i kept them in there for about 2 to 3 weeks just until they are to big to fit in the fishes mouth and then just have some plants or moss or something for them to be able to go and hide in because they are very fast and are usually faster then the parents.
tmoney7 said:
2nd yami I've had a good amount of Mollie fry and i just used a fry net and i kept them in there for about 2 to 3 weeks just until they are to big to fit in the fishes mouth and then just have some plants or moss or something for them to be able to go and hide in because they are very fast and are usually faster then the parents.
yep, same thing I did pretty much :>
I have recently had 2 platy fry. These are my first fry in our tank. My tank has only been up and running for 6 weeks fishing.
I have left the fry in the main tank and I'm surprised at how quickly they grow. They are happily swimming with the other fish.

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