Fish Fanatic
Alright, i've been trying to find tankmates for my 6 WCMM's for a little while now and my first choice would have been pygmy corys, but they seem to be impossible to find in my area.
I've started researching otos as their bio-load seems pretty low and they would also fill a different part of the tank than my wcmm's. Now I know they like algae and I don't have much of it right now, but I also read you can feed them algae wafers and zuchinnis.
So my plan would be to add a small bogwood as well as some plants to increase cover and add 3 otos once that is all set. If all goes well after a couple weeks, then I would like to add a betta as the final fish to the tank.
What are my odds of successfully pulling this off? And what else can I do to improve my chances?
I've started researching otos as their bio-load seems pretty low and they would also fill a different part of the tank than my wcmm's. Now I know they like algae and I don't have much of it right now, but I also read you can feed them algae wafers and zuchinnis.
So my plan would be to add a small bogwood as well as some plants to increase cover and add 3 otos once that is all set. If all goes well after a couple weeks, then I would like to add a betta as the final fish to the tank.
What are my odds of successfully pulling this off? And what else can I do to improve my chances?