What Do I Need To Make This Work?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2012
Reaction score
Quebec city, Canada
Alright, i've been trying to find tankmates for my 6 WCMM's for a little while now and my first choice would have been pygmy corys, but they seem to be impossible to find in my area.

I've started researching otos as their bio-load seems pretty low and they would also fill a different part of the tank than my wcmm's. Now I know they like algae and I don't have much of it right now, but I also read you can feed them algae wafers and zuchinnis.

So my plan would be to add a small bogwood as well as some plants to increase cover and add 3 otos once that is all set. If all goes well after a couple weeks, then I would like to add a betta as the final fish to the tank.

What are my odds of successfully pulling this off? And what else can I do to improve my chances?
My own experience with otocinclus is that I love them but I can never provide them with enough living algae. It is not a question of wanting them really. Instead it is simply that they end up starving because they eat nothing but fresh growing algae and I never seem to have enough. Actually I have found that pygmy sized cories are available by ordering them from Florida Guppies Plus. If they do not list them, as they often do not, try sending a message to the owner there. I got my own C. hastatus cories from them exactly that way. They did not list cories at that time but I asked whether they had any and they told me I could have them for $1.50 each plus shipping at that time. I must admit that the shipping cost me just as much as the fish for 12 of them but I considered it a bargain compared to not ever finding any.
Ok, I sent them an email... we'll see what happens but I'm not holding my breath... shipping to Canada will be at least twice as much as for you in the US. :crazy: Also I can't order too many as I only have a 10 gallon...so cost per fish will be a little crazy!
Go for some Khuli loaches?

Ottos are a pain to keep

I think you need at least 5-6 Kuhli loaches and their bio-load is too high for that along with the fish I already have...

What makes it a pain to keep ottos?

I might have found a LFS that can order some pygmy corys... i'll see that tomorrow.
Oops, replied to wrong thread........
Interesting... They look pretty cool. I might try them out. Will they mind a gravel substrate that is not exactly smooth, but still sort of small (3 to 6 millimeters)?

How many should I aim for? Will I still have room for a betta after that?

Thanks so much!
Yeah they aren't particularly messy fish. Thats why so many people go for them in small tanks. The gravel might be a problem though as i think they like to dig.
Well OldMan47, Florida Guppies Plus finally replied to me last night and said they don't sell pygmy cories anymore :(

I'm leaning more and more toward the Kuhli Loachs... but I need to add some cover for them first. Think i'll stop by another LFS on the way home tonight and see what they got.

Quick question about a snail that made its way into my tank from the mature media I received... he's all alone of his kind in there but doing a great job with brown algea. Is there any way he can reproduce by himself?

Edit : Oh, what about Panda Corys? Would my 10 gallon be enough for them?
too small for pandas, they grow quite chunky when they mature.

WCMM also require a water temp of 16 to 22 degrees and Bettas prefer anything from 22 to 30 degrees, but most people i believe keep them around 25 so you would need to reconsider a Betta in my opinion.

Khuli loaches...need more space and cover than a 10 gal can provide imo.
Yeah, i've read both theories on WCMM's water temp. Many say they are sub-tropicals, but also others claim they like it around 24-26C. I keep mine at 25 and they are doing great so far. They were kept at 26 at the LFS, so I suppose they haven't known anything else.

Do you have any suggestions for bottom dwellers in my 10 gal then Tizer? I know it is small, i'll probably upgrade in a few months, but thinking about going the cichlid path for that, so the fish in the 10 gallon will likely have to stay in there.

Thanks for the inputs!
Yeah, i've read both theories on WCMM's water temp. Many say they are sub-tropicals, but also others claim they like it around 24-26C. I keep mine at 25 and they are doing great so far. They were kept at 26 at the LFS, so I suppose they haven't known anything else.

Do you have any suggestions for bottom dwellers in my 10 gal then Tizer? I know it is small, i'll probably upgrade in a few months, but thinking about going the cichlid path for that, so the fish in the 10 gallon will likely have to stay in there.

Thanks for the inputs!

First, your fish are doing great? How do you know that, because they are not dead yet? :)


Have a read, keeping them at high temps will shorten their life span. its written there, plain as day and you will also find it on other reputable sites ;)

No real recommendations for a 10 gal sorry, i would have said pygmy corys also but to be honest, most fish you put in a 10 gal will end up eating off the bottom anyway.

I have two 10 gals myself with no bottom feeders, don't really need them.
Granted, I haven't been able to ask them how they felt yet... Just saying they are active, jump on food rather quickly and none have died yet!

I have to admit I followed the advice from the girl at my LFS who said only goldfish could live in an unheated tank and therefore I bought a heater and she suggested I get WCMM's because they are very hardy and would help me cycle the tank... :/ She clearly mentionned they had to be kept at 26c. Which now that I have found this forum is just one of the many mistakes she made me do so far...haha.

I guess I could simply return them and start my stocking from scratch... :S
They are nice fish, but you will find yourself a little restricted.

Walk around the fish shop, note down the fish you like, then research them like mad! then go back armed to the teeth with your info and you wont fall into that trap again. Some fish shops give good advice, while some are clueless.

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