I have been keepjng fish for about 14 years now.
I started with mollys . Then kept just bettas and lots of then for years. I fell in love with plecos and other catfish. Then I got obsessed with big south American cichliids and discus.
Now I am in love with guppies and adventuring into the oddball world with a delhezi bichir. I want more oddballs in the future.
So what did you start with and what fish are you into now?
Started out with 4 guppies as a 5 year old kid. All died due to my mom putting a decoration in soap and not washing it properly.
Officially started a community tank in 1997 (as a 7 year old) when I received it from a friend who wanted to move to another country so she gave me a 40L (or 50L, not sure) fish tank with a big salad of a community: 1 giant betta, 4 normal bettas, bunch of zebra danios, some yellow tetras (not sure of name), bunch of neon tetras, around 4 baby angelfish, bunch of swordtails and guppies, 1 or 2 black mollies, 1 red wag platy, few black-widow tetras.
Had no idea about filtration (only had two filters consecutively in for a few days and didn't know how to set them up properly and gave up on the filtration).
Lost fish over the years, especially during summers when my dad was left in care of the fish tank. Used to do 100% water changes once a week.
Later on I had only swordtails and guppies, out of which the guppies were the only ones I've managed to get the fry to grow into adults and live longer than a year. Had 3 generations of guppies from my starter ones.
Lost countless baby and adult swordtails to tank-escaping and hazardous decorations (snail shell incident where I lost my favorite swordie male).
My dad kept buying random fish I never really asked for: hoplos, 1 fossilis, 4 variations of fancy-tailed goldfish (a black moor with them), 2 black swordtail females that didn't make it past their 1st week in the tank, 1 crucian carp I saved from becoming dinner for us, countless fry I got from a lake (tiny fish that seemed to shine in all colors of the rainbow) - never managed to grow these past 1 cm and they died then, but they were nice shoalers.
Out of those, only the guppies and swordtails managed to live for several years until I ended up with a sterile colony of guppies so the whole colony died, and the swordtails... ended up with a late-bloomer male killing my last male and then dying later on too. Hoplos lived between 6-8 years and my last one that I still have till this day is 9 years old.
After 17 years of all that above ^, in 2012 I found out about cycling and how I don't have to change 100% of the water or even wash the fish tank.

And that is thanks to the people of this forum, as I didn't even know what to look up, in fact, my first post here was only about fish compatibility.
Current status: Things seem to be going up.
I have a community of 1 male hoplo, 2 teenage swordtails, their two fry, bunch of tiny ramshorn snails (around 3-4) and 2 golden apple snails. I have filtration, sand, rocks and plants. I don't know about the heater though, whole winter I didn't need to use it since the room was way above the set temp anyway and heater only occupied space.