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Apr 6, 2013
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West Virginia
What is this fishes common name? I have 2 and they like to hang around my tiger barbs and the barbs never pick on them?


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It's some sort of tetra. Maybe an albino variety? I can't see its eyes too well. Looks similar to a black skirt tetra to me, though without the black skirt. I think my LFS sells a golden skirt tetra. Maybe this is one of those?
Is it a white skirt tetra?

I only say that as it looks like a forum members profile pic Dr Slackbladder if I remember rightly....
Hahaha... Look at the cories chilling along the back wall in a row in the first picture... 
Otherwise I will second that they are white skirt tetras.
They are very hardy fish whatever they are before I bumped to a 29 gallon they were in a 10 with a few mollies and and some guppies but I had a horrible ammonia spike that killed all but my breeding pair of mollies pongo and perdita , (I was over stocked) and I must admit my 29 gallon is over stocked but I have plenty of hiding places and interesting features, plus a tetra ex 45 and a 20 gallon air driven filter they all seem happy:) and yes my small shoal of 4 Cory's are so cool! Haha thinking about bumping it up 2 or 3 more. Wanna see more pics of em:D

Btw the first pic was my small tank before I upgraded, I now use it for brine shrimp and breeding snails and such:) quarantine tank aslo
I would certainly up that shoal of cories, they will feel much less stressed if in a group of at least 6.
It is a 'white skirt tetra'; an albino form of the black skirt/black widow tetra, Gymnocorymbus ternetzi.

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