What are those fish called?


Fish Crazy
Jul 5, 2004
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Ok I go to the pet store and I see these cute tiny yellow fish same size as a neon tetra, and they have tails that like are... fuzzy and like bigger I can't really describe it but does anyone know what I'm talking about? They are so cute! :D
They look a lot like mollys
You can keep 2 male guppies in a 5 gallon. Guppies don't like living alone so nothing else. Alternatively, a trio in a 10 gallon (1 male, 2 females) as they will produce way too many fry for a smaller tank and you must always have a 2:1 ratio of females to males.
Wait, if you go by the inch rule, and I've only seen male guppies that were about an inch big, couldn't she get five, or at least four?
Guppies grow to 2 inches if in good health though healthy guppies are getting rarer and rarer by the day... you could get 3 MALES but I wouldn't get any more than that. Male guppies don't like each other very much either... though they are usualy much too peaceful for this to be evident. Avoid females at all costs as they might be pregnant which would result in fry over-stocking the tank. Also, may I point out that the 1 inch per gallon 'rule' is only a GUIDELINE :p
Theres a catch to everything! LOL ;) These guppies were REALLY small and everytime I see them they are the same size like a neon tetra
That could either be because of young age or because the inbreeding necessary to produce colors like the yellow guppy strains sacrifice size and health. Either way, I still don't think you should add more than you would with ordinary guppies.

edit: My last sentence made no sense :p

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