As the title says, what are the signs of White Cloud Mountain Minnows about to lay eggs? Now and then I've noticed my two older Minnows - one male and one female - having a tendency to arch their backs, so they curve their spine and caudal fin upwards or downwards (no idea why). However, this evening the female is repeatedly arching her back so it is curving upwards - in particular her caudal fin, and by quite a bit - and she's swimming about the tank doing this, and going a bit like a see-saw in terms of her balance as she moves forward. It doesn't look to be like any sort of injury or swim bladder issue, although as the light is now off I won't be able to tell (she was going at it with the one male earlier, fighting a lot, but I've observed them and fed them since that and she was swimming fine). Now, I have had Minnow fry in the tank, and have a few even now, so I know the Minnows have done the hanky-panky, but I've never seen any of them in the act of laying eggs before...could she be attempting to expel eggs?