Well Lookey Hear What I Found In My Yard!

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ok........,now i have wiped my eyes and can finally see
through my tears of laughter,(sorry guys)
have you guys tried putting special animal deterants
on your lawns,i know in the UK we have "Animal get off"
green gel stuff,and for the cats,there is a fowel garlic smelling pellet stuff,
or if you see the offending animal how about a water pistel,
i totally feel for you all,as there is nothing worse than
gardening and either treading in or picking up animal poop.
sea someone understands the pain and suffering i'm goiing through stepping in poo(in my bare foot) or finding poo all over my lawn i just want two Shout :eek: :shout: :shout:

.....or throw it after them down the street.

:lol: HAHAHA! what in the...? ....is this is a tried and tested method? omg that's great. I'd love to see that happen! You could also rugby tackle the owner and forcibly remove their shoe and take it and stamp in the offending crap before handing the shoe back, that might work too, Think about doing that again there wouldn't ya fella, eh?

Oh and while I'm here....Cheesy Feet, what, precisely, do they do at an onion factory? make onions? surely they just grow on their own...Is this a government job creation scheme maybe?

I think they are cleaned and packaged there or something...lol.There are always vaccancies

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