Water Works


Fish Fanatic
Aug 17, 2006
Reaction score
sheffield UK
Hi all

As it stands, my water leaves the tap at pH 7-7.5(ish) and KH 1!

Does the water chemistry change when salt is added to the water and it is exposed to the sand and things like that in the tank?
Or is it a case of me having to chemically alter the water myself to suit marine life?

I think that makes sense? :crazy:

the salt mix will fixer everything up most of the time... my water i mix with salt has a KH of 0 and an unreadable PH so don't worry
Most marine salts will alter the water to the correct levels when added to RO (reverse osmosis) water. Adding salt to tap water could be bad for two reasons.

1)You won't get the desired chemical levels and SG (specific gravity) because of excising water molecules


2)high levels of pollutants in the water would be bad for a reef set-up.
Yeah, remember, salt mixes contain all the minerals of the sea, not just salt ;). After you mix RO with the appropriate amount of salt and let it sit and stir for a day, then you can check chemistry, it should be spot-on with a new batch :good:
Excellent, thats what i was wanting to hear! one less thing to worry about.

I have had so many problems with pH crashes etc in FW due to the stupidly low KH.

Shall have to get my RO unit ordered from osmotics in that case.

cheers guys :good:


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