Hi I’m new to fish keeping have had a tank for about one year, to-date everything has gone reasonably well.
Problem is that my water readings are wrong & one of my angel fish appears to be starting some type of fin rot.
Ammonia 0 – 0.5
GH 180
KH 40-80
PH 7
NO2 5
No3 160
If I am right the NO2 and NO3 are the problem with the PH a little high but ok, what do I do about the NO2/NO3?
The tank is 64L. fish = 2x Angel fish, 4 x Haliquin Rambosa, 6 x cardinal tetra, Siamese fighter, Dwarf Gourami. Live plants, water change about 10L every 10 days or so, water temp 25C
I have started to add treatment for fin rot
Problem is that my water readings are wrong & one of my angel fish appears to be starting some type of fin rot.
Ammonia 0 – 0.5
GH 180
KH 40-80
PH 7
NO2 5
No3 160
If I am right the NO2 and NO3 are the problem with the PH a little high but ok, what do I do about the NO2/NO3?
The tank is 64L. fish = 2x Angel fish, 4 x Haliquin Rambosa, 6 x cardinal tetra, Siamese fighter, Dwarf Gourami. Live plants, water change about 10L every 10 days or so, water temp 25C
I have started to add treatment for fin rot