So I didn't want to hijack the thread that Abbeysdad had started about volume and frequency but having read that thread, and the fact that the clocks have just altered in the UK for winter it got me thinking.
I always do 60%-70% water changes - my tank is approx 250 liters and I just syphon water out via a 25 meter pipe into the garden.
In the summer doing that alters the temp in the tank from it's normal stable 25 to about 20/21. So quite a drop but not too bad and only takes a few hours to come back up to normal.
However, in the winter it's much more of an issue. If I pull 60%+ out and refill via the cold water hosepipe it can drop the temp down to 18 or 19 - not ideal to say the least. As a result I have the dilema of less water changed or having pans of water heating on the stove and kettles boiling like mad in a bid to raise the temp of the water as I put it in.
I'm sure I read somewhere that water out of the hotwater tap is not good as it has too many metals in in??
So my question is this - what do the rest of you who live in the UK , or other places where jumpers are a necessity, do about stabilising the water temp during changes??
I always do 60%-70% water changes - my tank is approx 250 liters and I just syphon water out via a 25 meter pipe into the garden.
In the summer doing that alters the temp in the tank from it's normal stable 25 to about 20/21. So quite a drop but not too bad and only takes a few hours to come back up to normal.
However, in the winter it's much more of an issue. If I pull 60%+ out and refill via the cold water hosepipe it can drop the temp down to 18 or 19 - not ideal to say the least. As a result I have the dilema of less water changed or having pans of water heating on the stove and kettles boiling like mad in a bid to raise the temp of the water as I put it in.
I'm sure I read somewhere that water out of the hotwater tap is not good as it has too many metals in in??
So my question is this - what do the rest of you who live in the UK , or other places where jumpers are a necessity, do about stabilising the water temp during changes??