Violet Snakeheads


Mostly New Member
Nov 24, 2015
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Hi there,

Has anyone got any advice on how to keep violet snakeheads, I've just bought one and would obviously like it to be in the best living conditions

Thanks in advance
You do know these can grow to be 3ft long? For the best living conditions you going to need a massive tank.
there are so many variants and so many potential sizes that you;ll need the scientific name. Some are coolr water and some are warm water. I've kept a few species and bred and raised two species. They are great fish
have a look on google. I suspect they will be Pulchra

google Stewarti and see if its them. They are sub tropical if so.
Channa need a species only tank really and its best getting 6-8 babies to try and get a pair. They are really interesting to breed
size wise these dont get huge at all
I'd assumed channa barca, but it could well be something else. Whichever it is its gonna be a big fish.
Thanks for replying, I've been told they will only grow to 25cm, if that helps?
I thought so. You should try and get some more and have a small group and try and get a pair. Their parenting skills are brilliant

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