Hi everyone. Thanks for the suggestions. The fish was doing better yesterday, less well this morning, then I fed her some bloodworm (frozen) and she seemed a lot, lot better after that. I then dosed some more KB Tonic, as it says to do on the bottle after 48 hours and added an airstone just in case. I came back a couple of hours later and she was dead. And I mean mouth wide open, proper dead, not fighting for life lying on her side, slightly gill moving dead. Sooooooooooo, that's annoying. I didn't do an autopsy on this fish. I did one on a fish that died a few days ago (my only other casualty to date) and didn't find anything so to be honest, I didn't fancy another one. I've put her in the fridge though, in case I change my mind.
The main reason I wasn't that keen was that I have totally overhauled my main tank and removed a 3D background that was in there. I've got rid of masses of brown dust algae from that tank and I'm currently working on the assumtion that the fish had a bacterial infection from poor water quality, caused by the 3D background and the massive amounts of algae that it seemed to help grow. The tank looks miles, miles better now and I think I'll be able to keep much better water conditions.
The only med I have treated for parasites was that JBL one.
I have some wormer plus (
/wormerplus.co.uk/) coming tomorrow. Anyone have experience with that? If I still have any flashing in my main tank, I may use that but I'm trying to keep away from meds given that I'm basically just guessing from symptoms and have no evidence of any particular cause.
I've also got prazipro coming from the US but that will be a couple of weeks before it gets here.
p.s. I have a feeling I probably will do a biopsy on the fish... I'd rather just watch Match of the Day though... Sigh