Thanks for the replies.
As I just procured another tank, as well as a terrerium. (Package deal) It got me thinking about my tanks. Now nine, with two more taken apart to build an L shaped tank, and one I set up and maintain ar work. Only three were purchased new. And two of those were due to an emergency.
As for the silicone, resealled two tanks already. Scratches, not a big problem. As most aren't or won't be display tanks. Only had one cracked, and that is one of the ones taken apart. It was a freebie anyway.
As for stains, Bar Keepers Friend, it's safe and like using powdered white vinegar.
As to prices, have to scour around in these parts. Folks seem to think that they should get what they paid for it. Can't seem to convince them that, we'll you had it running for two years, and then put it in the shed for another three. It is just not worth the price of a new tank.