Unsure Of What Species This Fish Is...


New Member
Feb 13, 2013
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Hello -

I was just wondering if someone could tell me what species of fish this is? So that I can better look after him/her. Thank you.
Wow thank you for the speedy reply. Any advice for looking after the lil thing? =]
Would prefer a very mature tank, with lots of algae; they can be quite tricky to feed, although you can try offering blanched vegetables and algae wafers.
They also don't do well unless they're in a group of their own kind.
I've had bad luck with them taking the algae wafers but better luck with the blanched vegies so for me that's the way I would go.
Mine love raw cucumber. So do my shrimp. 
Yea, I lost one of these guys in the first 2 days, The last 3 I have left are doing okay though, feeding on the algae in my tank.

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