Uk North-West / Midlands Stockists


New Member
Jan 29, 2011
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Hi All,

Having found out that the stockist and Killifish enthusiast I used to visit a few years ago has closed down, I'm looking for any other suggestions in the UK, ideally North West but will travel.

There was only one Maidenhead franchise that was A1 for killifish, simply because it was managed by a killifish fanatic. The others were run of the mill.

What is your exact location
I'm in Macclesfield. I've tried the Maidenhead Aquatics at Woodford Park, they occaisionally get the run of the mill gold panchax, got quite a few today actually, nothing else special that I've seen.

I was really hoping Mick would still be running his place in Buxton, he was a BKA member and always a massive help as well as always having great stock.

I'm really looking for some Clown Killies. notho Rachovii and maybe gold australe. Nothing rare ;)

I have some Rachovi due in a month or so if your prepared to wait. I have only some males left of Ps annulatus. I have no Australe at this time.
I will hunt down some for you if you can wait while I ask around. They may charge you (I dont know) but that's between you and the seller.
Let me know your intentions.
I have some golden austalie killis that are just starting to breed (lay eggs) so if you need any eggs i may be able to help :good:
Thanks Colin, email sent.
Muay, likewise :) Keep me updated!

Hi Bob
I cant send you a personal message through the board software as yet
Have you got an email address so as I can send you some Killi Contacts.
Hi Guys,

Managed to track down some Clown Killies from Kesgrave Aquatics via ebay. I've had 4 pairs delivered today and they seem to be doing great! Although one of them is quite obviously not a clown killi. Its the size of them, but just a plain grey fish. It has the look of a female Aphyosemion type, so will see how it develops!

I would still love to have any more local killi contacts though!

Thanks pixietina!

I was just in the area and called into Stapeley Water Gardens, just out of interest. Wow. That place has gone a bit downhill!

Anyway, I also checked in at A-Z Aquatics near Crewe.

They had 4 different Aphyosemion and had a good chat with the owner. He seems very knowledgable and will be getting more in on order.

I now have a tank set-up with 8 Clown Killies, Australes (just 2 males right now), Pair A.Gardneri, pair A.Bivittatum and a trio of A.Gabunense!

Back in business!

Thanks for the help all. I'm still looking for female australes :)

I'll send you a email later today
Just got back.
pm sent to big c from maxie,,im after some Rachovi

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