:p plus the media will not last that long so would be no good anyway sorry to be a bearer of bad news

in my experience i would say max for any bacteria to live would be four hours
Cheese Specialist said:
There is a Blue Planet Aquarium in Chester. How's that for location? I don't know much abot these things. I will keep looking so we have a plan for next time.
I've been to Blue Planet and SCUBA dived in their tank :cool: with the Sand Tiger Sharks and a Barracuda :eek:

It's suitable for a mass gathering and is on/near to a retail park with your usual restaraunts and is about 45 mins west of Manchester so easy access from the M6 or M62, if that helps, but unsure about public transport links, suspect very little direct, but there will be trains/busses from Manchester.


Narayan and I have been to the London Aquarium several times. It's FANTASTIC.

I'll PM Narayan and I hope we'll be able to make it.

Look forward to meeting Sunflower & Danio 2004 and anyone else who makes it.


P.S. Oh and Duh!
To all you people up North who can't make it, why not club together and car share and hotel share, there are deals to be had if you look around! I believe I've seen a poster for Travel lodge @ £25 PER ROOM not per person. Check them out.
Got the message, thanks to Red. As I don't come on here as often as her, I think I might have missed that :)

I look forward to it. ;)
:byebye: Aww Have a good time I can't go -tear- I live in the USA and my parents would nto trust me to go to something like this, something we planned over the interent :(
sunflower said:
Outside would be best
Outside the Aquarium will be crowded, as its right by the london eye. (Which incidentally is a great way of finding it :p )

I would recommend people get tickets, go in and meet at the bottom of the first steps. This is the first "zone" and is a long hallway where plenty of people can fit.

I think that would be your best bet to meet up :)

I wont be going, since I've only just found out about it and its too short notice for me! But I hope everyone has a cracking time! I thoroughly recommend you get to the ray petting tank early as they all get very lazy as the day progresses :p The rest can be seen at your own pace ;)

Just a thought......most places do group discounts, so if you went in as a group it may be cheaper!! :D

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