I have just seen your photo in your other thread. Are those live plants or synthetic? If they are live, you shouldn't add 3 ppm ammonia (as in the fishless cycling method) as a lot of live plants can't cope with that much all in one dose. But there aren't enough of them to do a 'silent' cycle - the fact that you have nitrite in the water shows the plants are not using all the ammonia in there.
You have 2 options. Either do a fishless cycle using just 1 ppm ammonia as the main dose and a third of a ppm as the snack dose, then add fish slowly, a few a t a time with at least a week between additions, and monitoring the ammonia and nitrite levels every day; or get more live plants, particularly floating plants, and add fish a few at a time without having added any ammonia.
If the plants are fake, just do a fishless cycle