Two New Chat Room Moderators!


Reef Tank, Crustacean, and Puffer Enthusiast
Retired Admin ⚒️
Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Up until now poor techen has been roaming the hardscabble streets of the chat room all by his lonesome but no more! He is being joined by two new chat room mods.
Please welcome
Lunar Jetman & Zikofski
We appreciate their willingness to take on this new role.
Welcome to LJ and Zikofski.
In fairness, Techen has had his ducks for company.
Hey, I voted for them. They shall be my duck minions 
Many congratulations to you both! Now get cracking on those bios! lol
Congratulations mallards :D hopefully I can use the chat room mo often when our Internet gets better - not much fun living in a valley!!
Well done guys, but I have to say the phrase "chocolate tea pot" jumps out at me for some reason.
Well done guys, do not go in there that often, but if people need moderating I am sure you will do a sterling job
I'm psychic!
I knew LJ and Z would get turned over to the dark side. Didn't realize LJ was quackers though......
Anyway, congrats boys!
Well done guys!
I pop in to the chat whenever I can and you always seem to be there 

Now we have 3 chat urchins who can linger in the shadows :p
Mamashack said:
Did you mean lurk, Josh?? lol
I did :p
Blame a long day at college and me trying to squeeze in some forum time before bed and another early morning tomorrow!

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