Trouble for my betta

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Feb 7, 2017
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So I've got my male betta Ifrit, from the beginning he was rather sluggish and inactive, though the first thought that came to me wasn't that he was ill but that he was just lonely! Sure enough I had bought a small sucker fish and put it in his tank and he became much more lively, I was concerned at first because of how he'd rush at it, loom over it and flare up but it turns out he never hurt the thing. The sucker fish eventually got caught under some decor though and died sadly, leaving him swimming around constantly in a sluggish motion looking for his lost buddy; I went back to the store and decided to get another type of fish, something that wouldn't get caught up so easily under the decor and bedding I had at the time. I'm not really sure what type of fish it was, my mother had gotten it instead of me while I was checking out supplies, but it turned out that fish was actually rather mean to my betta; he started to get lethargic and sit on the bottom of the tank only, the smaller fish had been ripping his tail apart and had left him a few open wounds. I've lost the mean little snag, and put my betta into a solitude tank to recover with medicine to help with fin re-growth and injury healing, but I bought a larger tank and a few other fish that once again the clerks swore would get along with him. He's been watching them for a few days now in curiosity while he's been recovering in the smaller tank next to theirs, I have a pleco and three female guppies in the newer tank and while I decided to let him in with them for only a few moments, I've noticed the three guppies like to come up to him and seemingly nip at his fins; he's not flaring up or acting aggressively at all, it's actually more like he's frightened by them then anything else.

Is there a way to fix this issue? He likes the Pleco, they get on rather well actually I've noticed some playful movement between them (the Pleco will come and sit right in front of the glass dividing them until my betta notices it, then they'll both dart off, wriggle around and meet up again at the glass separating them.) the guppies however appear to be the problem, I live rather far away from any available pet stores so it's been a task going back and forth getting tank mates for him, but I can't keep them if they're going to be aggressive once he's fully healed.
You got problems.

Your Betta don't like the pleco they are not friends, The guppies are attacking him, Get rid of the guppies, and what sort of pleco is it? You fish is under attack and its stressed, and unless you change his living conditions he will get sick and get finrot become withdrawn and could die. Bettas do not get lonely and they do not need or like friends they are much happier on their own Especially males.

What sort of sucker fish was it?

How big is the tank?
How long has the tank been set up?
Is it cycled?
How often do you change water?
Has the tank got live plants?
Has it got a heater?

Can you post photos of the tank and Betta.
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How can you assume things without knowing what's happening except based on description? I've had Betta's before, including an extremely aggressive one and I've had Plecos in the past, that's not an aggressive action from either side. My betta is fine with everything he needs; he's a very social little guy especially with humans. It's in the betta's nature to be a loner, especially the males and I know this. What my betta does towards the Pleco is what he does with humans though when he wants blood worms (treats my family gives him on occasion aside from his regular food). His regular tank is a 5 gallon, he has an air filter and a heater in it and I change the water every three days to a week although I don't know why that information is relevant here. He was always perfectly happy and healthy before the smaller fish my mom bought because the person handling the fish told her they'd get on well.

You say they don't need or like other fish as a fact though, but not all fish are the same mind you. I've experienced strange things with many different types of animals, actions and wanting that normally would be the exact opposite of what the species and creature themselves would normally prefer. This Betta is no different, he's not sick but the only time he's ever active or lively is when he's near or with others (that being any animal or human, not just fish), but that activeness never shows aggression or being territorial. I'll put the guppies into another fish tank given they're the problem and he dislikes them since that was the only solution you gave
Ok you know best, I wont try to give you anymore advice.

Good luck with your fish.
I agree with Nick; I think you're rather anthropomorphising your fish.

Of course, not all fish act the same, and bettas especially have their own charcters, but fish don't 'make friends', particularly with other species; if it appears they are, then it's normally just because they don't have company of their own species, which some fish do need. Plecs and bettas are not social fish, they neither need nor want 'friends'.

Guppies and bettas will not get on; they look similar to each other, but don't share any ways of communicating properly, as fish of the same species do, and that just leads to aggression, as neither species can recognise the other's ways of submitting to a more dominant individual.
Truly, bettas don't get lonely simply because they are not shoaling fish. They don't need nor want other fish in their tank, especially one as small as a 5 gallon. Some bettas can get on with other fish, but they merely tolerate them. I would be separating him from the guppies and pleco, if not for the other fish's sake, then for your bettas because his fins are getting nipped at.

I'm only guessing, but perhaps your betta is acting slow because he is cold or the filter flow is too strong. What temp is the tank? They like warmer temps of 76-82. Also, most bettas especially the long finned types are rather lazy. They don't constantly swim about, only when they are looking for something to eat.
I resolved the issue, my only problem now is getting the betta to stop over eating (but that's a simple one to solve as well) xD
He gets's on fine with all the other fish now, it was an issue of territory because the other fish had been in the tank before him while he was recovering before hand; all it took to fix that issue was to move the other fish out of the tank and put them into a different one, to move him back into it and leave him alone for a while then reintroduce the guppies. They don't bother each other now. In honesty though fluttermoth, I do that with any animal :p

I grew up against the idea's of what history was like (that animals no matter what type where there only for humans to expand and grow) so I view animals in a similar fashion to what I see humans as, they have their own personalities and emotions; even fish do and I make that a point to try and understand my animals based on their actions and movements. No though, the water's never been too cold since he's had a water heater since I bought him and he's actually rather an active one now that he's fully healed. The pleco didn't live long, it wasn't because of any of the other fish, I think the air pump I had at that time before buying a newer one wasn't that great but now that everything is newer and better all the remaining fish get along just fine and they're all happy, no more injuries or chasing.

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