Tropical Fish Forums November 2016 Tank of the Month!


Staff member
Jun 28, 2016
Reaction score
Austin, TX
fish-forums-logo.jpg is proud to announce the new Tank of the Month Contest!

It's been about a month since we did a massive software conversion here on So far we've seen a nice improvement in activity and we believe most of the issues have been resolved. While we'll keep working to improve the site we wanted to take a minute to celebrate the success with a contest and give back a little to our community.

How do I enter?

Post one photo or video in this thread along with a nice detailed write-up of your tank. The write up should include a good description of your tank, water parameters, tank maintenance procedures, feeding schedules, etc.

* You must be the owner of the tank.
* Video can be uploaded to youtube, and then a link to the video may be posted in this thread.
* Only one photo will be allowed, so make it your best!
* A description is required!

The deadline for entries is November 23, 2016 at 08:00 AM EST. The winner will be voted upon by Members.. Good luck everyone, and may the best Tank win!

What do I win?
The winner will receive a $25.00 USD Amazon Gift Card. If Amazon is unavailable in your area then we'll issue a $25.00 USD Gift sent via Paypal.

Everyone is welcome to participate, so jump right in and enter today!
Can we enter more than once if we have multiple tanks?
Here is my planted 29 gallon aquarium. My stocking is as follows: 6 tiger barbs, 2 neon tetra (survivors of a larger school), 2 rummynose tetra (survivors of a larger school), 2 julii cory, 1 nanus cory, 1 bolivian ram, 1 bushynose pleco.

Tank has a black background. It is a Marineland aquarium with included fitted hood and led lighting.

There are 2 homemade caves comprised of flagstone and rocks siliconed together.

Water is tap water and is approximately 175 ppm hardness. PH generally is in the range of 7.0- 7.4. Filter is a penquin 200 HOB filter. In the filter I use my own media comprised of a thick sponge and a layer of Big Al's filter floss. The biowheel helps support beneficial bacteria. As a secondary filter, I use a Hydro Pro III reticulated foam sponge filter on the opposite side of the tank from the penguin filter. I use a 200 watt Aqueon heater in the tank and have had good luck with this brand. Temperature is kept at 76 degrees F.

Water changes are done weekly, changing out 50% of the water using a python water changer. The python also removes any detrius/debris on the substrate which consists of white pool filter sand. Filter cleaning is done every two weeks at which time I change out the floss and just rinse the sponge in tank water. I do a total filter housing cleaning about every 6 weeks to get the gunk out of the impeller and off the housing.

I feed twice a day using mainly cobalt brand flake food. I feed the bn pleco an algae wafer about every 2 days. I occasionally give a treat of freeze dried shrimp soaked in tank water and occasionally drop in some shrimp pellets. I also occasionally drop in some freeze dried blood worms or freeze dried daphnia, both soaked in tank water before adding to tank.

click on youtube video below to see my setup....enjoy
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My 2 foot jungle.
1 Betta
1 Baby BN pleco
Lots of shrimp
Malaysian Trumpet snails, Lots

Ph 7.2
Temp 28 c
Water Changes 50% once a week.
Vacuuming of substrate, Never.
Additives, Easy Life Fluid Filter media and Indian almond leaf, I do not use any ferts.
Filter, Sponge.
Lighting Beamworks High lumen 60, this runs for 6 hours a day.
Aqua One LED Mini Touch LED 6w Touch Clip On, This runs in the afternoon and a few hours at night because its not as bright. This is the light that is on in the photo.

The lights are on a timer the little light comes on at 9.30 am till 11 am, then the big light kicks in as the little one goes out and stays on till 6 pm, then the little light kicks in till 9 pm.
Getting the timers right was a nightmare.

Beamswork HI-LUMEN 60 Aquarium LED Light 60cm 2FT 24W Bright

Aqua One LED Mini Touch LED 6w Touch

easyheater - Aquael

NEW Practical Aquarium Biochemical Sponge Filter Fish Shrimp Tank

Easy-Life Filter Medium — English
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Beautiful tanks!! I love heavily planted tanks! That video is very nice fish maniac! Love the wood in there too ...and you're caves!
Lots of happy fishes in those gorgeous tanks! Good Luck! .....and good luck choosing, they're all great!

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