Treating Tank For Ich But Unsure

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Fish Crazy
Feb 28, 2006
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I noticed on one of the clown loaches (out of 20), there is a white patch (a bit bigger than a white spot) on his black stripe. I can't be 100% sure if its white spot (ich) or just a white mark, there are no other white spots on him or the other clown loaches. I also noticed one of the yoyo loaches rubbing itself against the gravel.

Is it dangerous to treat the tank with ich medication if I'm not sure if there is ich in the tank?

I was thinking of doing a 50% WC (thoroughly vacuuming the gravel) and raising the temp to about 31 degrees and then montior closely the next few days to see if there are any more white spots.

Sorry I forgot the most important details when asking this question, the current water parameters of the tank.

Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 30
pH - 6.6

Went to inspect the loaches/tank again and turned the lights on this time to see better.

The white mark that I orignally thought was white spot doesn't appear to be ich at all upon closer inspection, however I did notice anther clown having a fine white grain/spot on its orange body however not sure if this is the reflection from the outside/natural light, again I can't be 100% sure if it is white spot.

I checked all the other 18 clowns for places that white spots can easily be seen - tail, black stripes on body and caudal fins etc and can't see any white spots there.

I also noticed the scratching behaviour from the yoyo loaches to have stopped.

I am not sure at this stage whether or not to also medicate with ich medicine if I can't be certain there is ich. The LFS said it is safe to treat a tank for ich even if one is not sure whether there is any, however, I wanted to check with others first as I personally feel that one should not treat for ich unless certain the disease is present in the tank, as the medication is not good for the loaches, even at 1/2 dosage.
I would do what you have done, up the temp a bit do a 50% WC. and then wait to see if it is, would'nt want to kill them by being causious. Then even if it is white spot you will catch it early anyway, get the med in so that you can get it treated instantly if you find it is ich

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