I've had to treat ich twice so far and each time I've used the heat salt method. If it is the best method? I don't know, but I've heard quite often that people had difficulties getting rid of ich using medications, and went from one kind to another. Maybe there is truth to it that there are medication resistant strains of ich. Having to treat with different medications and for longer amount of time is stressful for the fish too.
As long as you go slow in increasing the temperature of the tank and adding the salt, your fish should be able to handle it. Make sure you dissolve the salt before adding it to the water, and get to the salinity you want over a three day period.
Table salt is fine, as long as it does not have any caking agent in it. Some people buy aquarium salt which is fine too, just don't use marine salt since it has buffers in it that you do not want in a fresh water tank.