Translucent Fins


New Member
Aug 29, 2022
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Good morning everyone!

I bet you all get sick of newbies coming in here and panicking about their betta's health, and I am sorry to add to that pile, yet here I am anyway!

Attached is a photo of Valentine, a betta I've owned for about 2 weeks. I've noticed now his fins becoming translucent.

The parameters of his water are all ideal from what I can tell, and I've started dosing with a broad spectrum non-antibiotic medicine just in case, but would love some more experienced thoughts on his fins. The gentleman in the shop seems to think it is new growth, but I'm sceptical.

I'm happy to answer any questions about his setup or lifestyle! It doesn't seem to have effected his activity in any way, in fact in this photo you can see him flaring at an amano (first time I've seen him notice them in fact).

Thanks in advance!
Saint Jude


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Have you noticed any other changes in the edges of his fin? I.e was his caudal fin fuller when you first got him or was there always some raggedy-ness?

Some more questions before I render my opinion on what I think is happening: Tank size? Any tankmates? Temp? Full parameters (ammonia, pH, nitrite, nitrate gH)? How did you cycle it? How often do you do water changes?
Betta looks fine to me; they'll change color as they mature, or become acclimated to different water params....answers to the above questions would be helpful, nonetheless

Never add medications to a tank without knowing what you are trying to remedy
The blackening of the edges of his fins and how thin they look could be a result of early stage fin rot. However, the caudal fin could also look like that due to a deformity from poor genetics, which is common in many bettas purchased from large chain pet stores.

I second the advice to never add medication unless you know what you're treating. Often times it can cause more harm than good due to the stress it can cause.
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Have you noticed any other changes in the edges of his fin? I.e was his caudal fin fuller when you first got him or was there always some raggedy-ness?

Some more questions before I render my opinion on what I think is happening: Tank size? Any tankmates? Temp? Full parameters (ammonia, pH, nitrite, nitrate gH)? How did you cycle it? How often do you do water changes?

Looking back at pictures from his first day, if anything his caudal fin is less raggedy and a touch fuller, but the translucency is new and he's a little more red (his ventral fins especially). Is it possible I purchased him after a previous sickness?

He's in a 30L tank with a few amanos and a bamboo shrimp who he is typically uninterested in. Temp sits at 26°C, ammonia 0, nitrates currently 5, gH about 60. I do 2 50% water changes a week.

I was given the tank a while ago for another betta who passed of old age, I left it for a month with just the amanos and adding food occasionally before adding Valentine.
The colour always came in shortly after new growth with Bettas here. Young ones always had a short term less densely pigmented edge.

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