Training fire eels ...


New Member
Sep 30, 2003
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London UK
I have only had Eric (my fire eel) for about a week, and just read that it is possible to train them to hand feed. Please could anyone give me a few pointers on where to start?

I am currently feeding him frozen bloodworm and the occasional cockle (but he doesn't seem that keen on them).

Thanks in advance!

First you need to get your fire eel feding confidently, which can be a job in its self. Then once your eel has become used to you and comes out looking for food when you approach the tank start feeding the bloodworms in small ammounts so the eel comes towards the surface to get them before they hit the bottom, as the eel becomes more confident hold some of the worms between your fingers and see if it will come and take them, it may take some time so be patient. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
Believe it or not ... he took the bloodworm straight from my hand last night !!

Although he refuses to do it when my husband is about, so he doesn't believe me!

I'll carry on with it .. and will have him doing tricks, fetching sticks and playing dead before you know it !! :lol:

Thanks for the help !


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