Total Rescape Due To Disaster


Fish Addict
Jan 15, 2012
Reaction score
Walsall, UK
Ok so after a build up of toxic gases in my gravel due to it being to think and not vacumed enough I took the plunge and removed at least half of it and gave it all a good clean. But ofcourse this meant taking my whole planted aquacape apart but the fish are more important so it had to be done :shout:. After taking everything apart I left the tank almost bare for a few hours to allow the filter to do its job and finish cleaning up the water. Then I took on the task of try to recreate what I had to destroy but designed so I can now do proper maintenance on it to avoid this happening again. After about an hour planting and place rocks Ive finally got it to a point were I'm pretty happy. I know some plants look a little out of place where they are but I've had to compromise a little until I know the issue will stay fixed. Here's come photos, though the water is a little cloudy and the glass needs a good scraping inside:





Your tank looks awesome.

What tank is it???

And I can wait to get my rio 400 and hopefully create something as cool as this
Your tank looks awesome.

What tank is it???

And I can wait to get my rio 400 and hopefully create something as cool as this
Thank you very much, it feels like the best out of a bad situation really.
Its a Marina Style 95, its decent but I didn't like the stock hang-on filter its supplied with and the lighting isn't great but other than that :good:
And awesome make sure you send me a link when you do a journal or upload some photos would love to see it :D
I can't see your pictures just now (flickr is blocked at work :rolleyes: ) but I'll be sure and check back later!
Looking really good.
Make sure you post some more pictures when the plants are settled
I can't see your pictures just now (flickr is blocked at work :rolleyes: ) but I'll be sure and check back later!
LOL :good:

Looking really good.
Make sure you post some more pictures when the plants are settled
Thanks, yeah will do, at the moment the breeding net is in the way but due to a broken heater thats where my betta is having to live for the time being
It's look great! Don't feel like you have compromised, it looks REALLY nice! :)

Ahem, but if you changed to sand it would be a lot easier to maintain. The combination of sand and a well positioned spraybar means that all of the nasties will be pushed to one place so easy to clean up. There are some who never have to vac at all! I'm not that lucky but all the poop does collect in one place in my tank which I clean with a battery operated vac a couple of days a week so I don't have to do a water change each time ;)
It's look great! Don't feel like you have compromised, it looks REALLY nice! :)

Ahem, but if you changed to sand it would be a lot easier to maintain. The combination of sand and a well positioned spraybar means that all of the nasties will be pushed to one place so easy to clean up. There are some who never have to vac at all! I'm not that lucky but all the poop does collect in one place in my tank which I clean with a battery operated vac a couple of days a week so I don't have to do a water change each time ;)
Thanks :) I dont like using sand I think it gets dirty looking quicker than gravel, I did think about when I changed the substrate but after the whole experience of a huge crash and blooms I won't ever be in a hurry to do it again LOL
Wow your tank looks stunning!
It still looks wonderful! So lush.

I only wich my tanks looked like that, they're horrible no matter how much I try. :D
Ok so the issue came back again and now its finally getting better (I hope) I've had to take everything out hardscape wise apart from a piece of bogwood that had moss attached and a very small rock. So I've got very little to work with but here are some more pics of my almost bare tank:

Sorry to hear you're still having these problems :( I'd be a mess if I was having to dismantle mine
after you're put so much work into it :(

Do you think you've just about got it sorted out now?

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