Fish Addict
Ok so after a build up of toxic gases in my gravel due to it being to think and not vacumed enough I took the plunge and removed at least half of it and gave it all a good clean. But ofcourse this meant taking my whole planted aquacape apart but the fish are more important so it had to be done
. After taking everything apart I left the tank almost bare for a few hours to allow the filter to do its job and finish cleaning up the water. Then I took on the task of try to recreate what I had to destroy but designed so I can now do proper maintenance on it to avoid this happening again. After about an hour planting and place rocks Ive finally got it to a point were I'm pretty happy. I know some plants look a little out of place where they are but I've had to compromise a little until I know the issue will stay fixed. Here's come photos, though the water is a little cloudy and the glass needs a good scraping inside: