To sand or not to sand?

Plain natural brown gravel that we bought from a company called Cook Industrial Minerals in Jandakot. We bought it from them and bagged it up at the shop to sell to customers.

There are a number of different gudgeons with the peacocks being the smallest. I had those and in different tanks I had Mogurnda mogurnda.

Are those the purple-spotted ones?
IME, play sand has more fine grains, which is beneficial for sand-digging fishes.

Here is a picture just to give you an idea of what I'm talking about:
P1090095 (2).JPG

(Ignore the cory ;))
Those were my reasons for not going with sand. I was afraid of the "gas" pockets and didn't know how my lo-tech plants would do...
The "gas pocket" thing is a myth, depending on who you ask...I stir up my sand (5" deep in some spots) occasionally, with no issues
I am concerned about my plants in sand.
@PheonixKingZ , are you planting in substrate now? I know both of us are huge fans of floaters, what say you?

@Slaphppy7 ...? Not familiar with your tanks and stocking yet; I think you joined while I was on forum break. Plants in sand? What kinds?
What is your concern?
Sand grows plants as well as gravel, regardless of the plant.
What is your concern?
Sand grows plants as well as gravel, regardless of the plant.
Lack of knowledge and a pinch of common sense. It just seems hard for me to imagine some of the more delicate roots having the ability to push through, although I know dwarf hairgeass will and lots of other sorts be ause I e seen pics, but my plants are Hornwort, Anacharis,, occasional annubius, some val, creeping charlie...

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