Hi everyone, just a quick question regarding filter media changes. Had my current tank set-up for around 3 months now. The external filter I run has a phosphate pad and carbon 'bag', which in accordance to the guidelines, I have been changing monthly, along with rinsing the remaining sponge media in some tank water. I was wondering if this is a bit of overkill/ encouragement to get me to spend more money, given my current set-up!
125l Planted Tank
External EFX200 filter
Aquaone internal filter
T5 lighting (8hrs per day)
CO2 system with diffuser, 30ppm
Silica Substrate
Planted Bogwood
Tank temp 26C
Ph 6.3
Gh 8
Nitrites/ammonia nil
Tank mates
5 pepper cory
6 bentosi tetra
6 cardinal tetra
1 bnp
1 sae
1 bamboo shrimp
2 assasin snail
Fed fish flake and bloodworm pellet daily
Once weekly blanched spinach and frozen bloodworm
25% weekly water changes
More than happy to spend the money, but only if its totally necessary! Also, the inlet/outlet pipes are getting a black deposit coating them...is it advisable to unplug and get a pipe cleaner in there?
Many thanks!
125l Planted Tank
External EFX200 filter
Aquaone internal filter
T5 lighting (8hrs per day)
CO2 system with diffuser, 30ppm
Silica Substrate
Planted Bogwood
Tank temp 26C
Ph 6.3
Gh 8
Nitrites/ammonia nil
Tank mates
5 pepper cory
6 bentosi tetra
6 cardinal tetra
1 bnp
1 sae
1 bamboo shrimp
2 assasin snail
Fed fish flake and bloodworm pellet daily
Once weekly blanched spinach and frozen bloodworm
25% weekly water changes

More than happy to spend the money, but only if its totally necessary! Also, the inlet/outlet pipes are getting a black deposit coating them...is it advisable to unplug and get a pipe cleaner in there?
Many thanks!